Friday, December 31, 2010

0 Blog Updated and Giveaway Reminder

With having so much time off from work, I've finally been able to give my blog the time and love I've wanted to in the past couple months. 

1. I've simplified the ways to share my blog and blog posts using AddThis widgets, so please feel free to share any recipes or news that you're interested in.

2. I've added a rating system to each blog post, which is located at the bottom of each post before the sharing links.

3. I've also been able to create a Recipe of the Month widget, which is on the left side bar. I plan on updating this every month with either the most popular recipe of the past month, or one that I feel especially proud of. For the month of January, its going to be December's most popular recipe, Dark Chocolate Lemon Truffles. Because of their popularity, and how good they tasted, I was thinking of trying to experiment and make other truffles. Any suggestions/requests?

Also, this is another reminder that the Giveaways are ending in 3 days! Click on the "Current Giveaway" tab above for each giveaway.

Finally, HAPPY NEW YEAR'S! Enjoy yourselves and stay safe!