Sunday, October 2, 2011

1 Pumpkin Party 2011!

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. Some how it is already October, the weather is getting colder, and pumpkins are popping up everywhere!

Last weekend a couple of friends and I went to Scion in Washington, DC for dinner. Several people grew excited when they told us that they're seasonal special is Pumpkin and Goat Cheese Ravioli (sounds awesome, right?). This got me thinking the past week of all the delicious things you could make using pumpkin.

This reminded me of the #pieparty that Shauna of Gluten-Free Girl held in June. There were so many creative pie recipes that the blogging community shared during that event that I wanted to hold a Pumpkin Party! 

As this is in a planning phase, I was wondering if anyone desires to participate in this virtual party? After talking to those interested so far, we'll post the pumpkin recipes from October 23-29th! What are your thoughts? Let me know if there's interest in my comments section or on twitter. Also, if you don't have a blog and would still love to participate, let me know, and I'll host you as a guest blogger for the #PumpkinParty
#PumpkinParty October 23-29th

Share it!

1 comment:

  1. Love your idea for a #pumpkinparty ! Not sure I can make it, but I'm going to try :-) Hope you join in on #applelove too!
